Tuesday 14 April 2015

Windows Hadoop-2.6.0 installation

Windows Hadoop-2.6.0 installation

Prerequisites to Install hadoop-2.6.0 on windows:
1. Windows 7/8/8.1 Operating System need to be installed
2. Java 1.6 need to be installed
3. Hadoop-2.6.0 need to be downloaded from apache mirrors

Steps to install hadoop on Windows:
1. Assuming you already have the Windows 7/8/8.1 Operating System
2. Install java-1.6 on windows

Download the java from the below link and install on "C:\work" folder




3. Download the hadoop tarball from apache mirrors, using below link


4. Download the required configuration files from below link


5. Set the Java, Hadoop environment variables

6. Extract the "hadoop-2.6.0.tar.gz" file in "C:\work" folder

7. Update the "hadoop-2.6.0/bin" folder with "downloaded configuration bin" folder 

8. Update the "hadoop-2.6.0/conf" folder with "downloaded configuration conf" folder 

9. Run the terminal as an Administrator.

10. Format the NameNode with below command

hadoop namenode -format

11. Start the hadoop with below command


12. Verify the process names using "jps" command

Wednesday 8 April 2015


Cluster with 38 Live Nodes, 3 Dead Nodes

Cluster with 24 Live Nodes

Cluster with 14 Live Nodes

Cluster with 24 Live Nodes, 2 Dead Nodes

Cluster with 13 Live Nodes, 1 Dead Node, 1 Decommission Node

Cluster with 15 Live Nodes, 2 Decommission Nodes

Cluster with 9 Live Nodes, 5 Dead Nodes

Cluster with 38 Live Nodes information

Cluster with 24 Live Nodes information

Cluster with 14 Live Nodes information

Cluster with 9 Live Nodes information

Cluster with 5 Dead Nodes information

Cluster with 2 Dead Nodes information

Cluster with 0 Decommission Nodes information

Commission and Decommission properties in hdfs-site.xml

Number of Under-Replicated Blocks

Different Java version issue in Cluster

Distcp command job execution: transfer the data from one cluster to other cluster

File with 1 block and corresponding replication information

File with 3 blocks and corresponding replication information

hadoop fsck command information on NameNode machine

hadoop fsck command information on other than NameNode machine

Cluster with different replication factors in hadoop files

Hadoop job mapper and reducer information

Cluster with 24 live nodes and corresponding map & reduce task capacity information

Cluster with 8 live nodes and corresponding map & reduce task capacity information

Completed jobs information in a cluster

Cluster with hadoop wordcount program execution information

Cluster with hadoop wordcount program exectuion information with 6 reducers

Cluster with hadoop map task information

Cluster with hadoop map task attempt information

Cluster with hadoop reduce task information

Cluster with hadoop reduce task attempt information

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