Showing posts with label HAWQ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HAWQ. Show all posts

Monday 20 October 2014

HAWQ versus Greenplum Database

HAWQ versus Greenplum Database

This post will focus on the major differences in the filesystem, External Tables, DDL commands, and DML commands. I’m comparing Greenplum database version 4.3 with HAWQ version which is shipped with Pivotal HD version 2.0.1.
HDFS versus Posix Filesystem
With Greenplum database, each segment’s files are always local to the host. Even in a failover condition when the mirror is acting as the primary, the data is local to the processing.
With HAWQ, HDFS handles high availability by having three copies of the data across multiple nodes. Because of this, the mirroring that is built into the Greenplum database is removed from HAWQ. If a node were to fail, then Hadoop automatically creates a third copy of the data. So a segment running on a Hadoop data node may not have the data it needs local to it and will need to get data from other physical nodes.
External Tables
Both HAWQ and Greenplum database have External Tables but differ when accessing external data in Hadoop.
HAWQ has PXF which is the Pivotal Extension Framework. It has the ability to access files in HDFS stored as plain text but also in Hive, Hbase, Avro, and Gemfire XD. You can write your own custom profiles to get data from HDFS. PXF can also get some statistics about these files so the optimizer is smarter when accessing these External Tables.
Greenplum database doesn’t have PXF but does have GPHDFS. GPHDFS enables Greenplum database to read and write data to HDFS. It doesn’t have built-in capabilities to Avro, Hive, HBase, and Gemfire XD. It also doesn’t have statistics for these External Tables.
HAWQ is great at exploring and transforming data in Hadoop while Greenplum database is great at bulk loading data from Hadoop into the database as well as bulk writing data from Greenplum database into Hadoop. So land all of your data in Hadoop, transform it with SQL and then create data marts in Greenplum database.
Both offer functions but HAWQ doesn’t have SECURITY DEFINER functions yet.
DDL Commands
Here is a list of commands that are in Greenplum database but not in HAWQ:
  • CREATE AGGREGATE: user defined aggregate like SUM and COUNT.
  • CREATE CAST: user defined conversion of two datatypes.
  • CREATE CONVERSION: user defined conversion of character set encodings.
  • CREATE DOMAIN: user defined datatype with optional constraints.
  • CREATE INDEX: indexes aren’t supported in HAWQ.
  • CREATE OPERATOR: user defined operator like != is the same as <>.
  • CREATE OPERATOR CLASS: user defined class of how a data type is used within an Index.
  • CREATE RULE: user defined filter placed on a table or view like “gender_code in (‘M’, ‘F’)”
  • CREATE TABLESPACE: user defined directory to be using in Posix filesystem to store database objects.
  • CREATE TRIGGER: user defined trigger for a table. Note that this is very limited in Greenplum database.
DML Commands
HDFS is designed for “write once, read many” and can not handle file pruning which is required for DELETE and UPDATE commands. Because of this HAWQ doesn’t support UPDATE and DELETE commands while Greenplum database does.
There are other small differences between the two products but these are the major ones.

HAWQ with Parquet Files

HAWQ with Parquet Files

Here is a quick example showing how this work.
First, create a table with some data. You can either use the CTAS method or the more traditional CREATE TABLE and then INSERT. Either method works and it is up to your preference on which you do. This example generates only 100 records of some fake customer data.
WITH (appendonly=true, orientation=parquet)
SELECT i AS id, 'jon' || i AS fname, 'roberts' || i AS lname, i::text || ' main street'::text AS address, 'new york'::text AS city, 'ny'::text AS state, lpad(i, 5, '0') AS zip
FROM (SELECT generate_series(1, 100) AS i) AS sub
  id integer,
  fname text,
  lname text,
  address text,
  city text,
  state text,
  zip text

INSERT INTO customer
SELECT i AS id, 'jon' || i AS fname, 'roberts' || i AS lname, i::text || ' main street'::text AS address, 'new york'::text AS city, 'ny'::text AS state, lpad(i, 5, '0') AS zip
FROM (SELECT generate_series(1, 100) AS i) AS sub;
Now you have data in the Parquet format in HAWQ. Pretty easy, huh?
Next, I’ll use a nifty tool that queries the HAWQ catalog which tells me where the Parquet files are.
gpextract -o customer.yaml -W customer -dgpadmin
And here is the customer.yaml file it created.
DBVersion: PostgreSQL 8.2.15 (Greenplum Database 4.2.0 build 1) (HAWQ build
  8119) on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 4.4.2 compiled on Apr
  23 2014 16:12:32
DFS_URL: hdfs://
Encoding: UTF8
FileFormat: Parquet
  Checksum: false
  CompressionLevel: 0
  CompressionType: null
  EnableDictionary: false
  - path: /hawq_data/gpseg0/16385/16554/16622.0
    size: 4493
  - path: /hawq_data/gpseg1/16385/16554/16622.0
    size: 4499
  PageSize: 1048576
  RowGroupSize: 8388608
TableName: public.customer
Version: 1.0.0
Notice the path to the files which are in Hadoop and are in the Parquet format.
Now you can use a tool like Pig to look at the data.
grunt> A = load '/hawq_data/gpseg{0,1}/16385/16554/16622' USING parquet.pig.ParquetLoader();
grunt> describe A;                                                                          
A: {id: int,fname: bytearray,lname: bytearray,address: bytearray,city: bytearray,state: bytearray,zip: bytearray}
grunt> B = foreach A generate id, fname, lname, address, city, state, zip;
grunt> dump B;
(2,jon2,roberts2,2 main street,new york,ny,00002)
(4,jon4,roberts4,4 main street,new york,ny,00004)
(6,jon6,roberts6,6 main street,new york,ny,00006)
(8,jon8,roberts8,8 main street,new york,ny,00008)
Parquet is easy to use in HAWQ and doesn’t lock you into a Pivotal HD and HAWQ only solution. It is easy to use the other tools like Pig or MapReduce to read the Parquet files in your Hadoop cluster. No vendor lock-in.

When to ANALYZE in Greenplum and HAWQ?

When to ANALYZE in Greenplum and HAWQ?

Greenplum and HAWQ will perform an ANALYZE automatically for you so the query optimizer will have good statistics and build a good plan. Greenplum and HAWQ also allow you to configure this if needed with gp_autostats_mode and gp_autostats_on_change_threshold.
This specifies when an automatic ANALYZE should take place. The values for this configuration parameter can be:
The default is on_no_stats and the database will automatically perform an ANALYZE for you. If you INSERT data into an empty table (new table or a table you just did a TRUNCATE on), the database will automatically gather statistics with an ANALYZE.
Typically in an Analytics Data Warehouse, you will insert data once and then read it many times. So the default of on_no_stats will automatically give you statistics as needed with no additional work from you.
Self explanatory. You have to execute ANALYZE if you want statistics.
With this setting, if perform an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE that exceeds the gp_autostats_on_change_threshold value, then an automatic ANALYZE will happen. Note for HAWQ, you can only INSERT.
In Greenplum and in the rare case where you are doing a DELETE or UPDATE to a table, you will need to execute an ANALYZE statement. Or, you can set the database to use on_change and the ANALYZE will happen automatically.
This is only relevant for on_change and it is the number of rows that need to change before an automatic ANALYZE will happen. The default is over 2 billion rows so if you really want to use on_change, then you will also need to reduce this configuration parameter to something more realistic.
Example 1 – The default
gp_autostats_mode = on_no_stats
gp_autostats_on_change_threshold = 2147483647
SELECT state, count(*) AS counter
FROM customer
GROUP BY state
--Statistics will be gathered automatically.
CREATE TABLE my_table 
(state varchar(100),
 counter int)

INSERT INTO my_table
SELECT state, count(*) AS counter
FROM customer
GROUP BY state;
--Statistics will be gathered automatically.
TRUNCATE my_table;

INSERT INTO my_table
SELECT state, count(*) AS counter
FROM customer
GROUP BY state;
--Statistics will be gathered automatically.
TRUNCATE my_table;

INSERT INTO my_table
VALUES ('dummy', 0);
--Statistics will be gathered automatically.

INSERT INTO my_table
SELECT state, count(*) AS counter
FROM customer
GROUP BY state;
--Statistics won't be updated.  The planner will think the table has only 1 row.

ANALYZE my_table;
--Statistics manually gathered and correctly shows the correct number of rows in the table.
Example 2 – Using on_change
gp_autostats_mode = on_change
gp_autostats_on_change_threshold = 1000000
SELECT state, count(*) AS counter
FROM customer
GROUP BY state
--Statistics will be gathered automatically only if the number of rows is 1M or more.
CREATE TABLE my_table 
(state varchar(100),
 counter int)

INSERT INTO my_table
SELECT state, count(*) AS counter
FROM customer
GROUP BY state;
--Statistics will be gathered automatically only if the number of rows is 1M or more.
TRUNCATE my_table;

INSERT INTO my_table
SELECT state, count(*) AS counter
FROM customer
GROUP BY state;
--Statistics will be gathered automatically only if the number of rows is 1M or more.
TRUNCATE my_table;

INSERT INTO my_table
VALUES ('dummy', 0);
--Statistics will not be gathered automatically.

INSERT INTO my_table
SELECT state, count(*) AS counter
FROM customer
GROUP BY state;
--Statistics will be gathered automatically only if the number of rows is 1M or more.
Checking the Statistics
And here are a couple of queries you can use to see the statics information.
SELECT c.oid, c.relpages, c.reltuples 
FROM pg_class c 
JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid 
WHERE n.nspname = 'public' 
AND c.relname = 'my_table';
--using the oid from the previous query
SELECT * FROM pg_statistic WHERE starelid = 298610;
Greenplum and HAWQ automatically gather statistics for you in most cases. If you are doing lots of DML activity, you can change the configuration to still automatically gather statistics for you too. These automatic settings make life easier for DBAs, Developers, and Analysts but still give you the flexibility to configure it in the best way for your environment.
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