Showing posts with label Hdfs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hdfs. Show all posts

Thursday 31 July 2014

Big Data Basics - Part 6 - Related Apache Projects in Hadoop Ecosystem

Big Data Basics - Part 6 - Related Apache Projects in Hadoop Ecosystem


I have read the previous tips in the Big Data Basics series including the storage (HDFS) and computation (MapReduce) aspects. After reading through those tips, I understand that HDFS and MapReduce are the core components of Hadoop. Now, I want to know about other components that are part of the Hadoop Ecosystem.


In this tip we will take a look at some of the other popular Apache Projects that are part of the Hadoop Ecosystem.

Hadoop Ecosystem

As we learned in the previous tips, HDFS and MapReduce are the two core components of the Hadoop Ecosystem and are at the heart of the Hadoop framework. Now it's time to take a look at some of the other Apache Projects which are built around the Hadoop Framework which are part of the Hadoop Ecosystem. The following diagram shows some of the most popular Apache Projects/Frameworks that are part of the Hadoop Ecosystem.
Apache Hadoop Ecosystem
Next let us get an overview of each of the projects represented in the above diagram.

Apache Pig

Apache Pig is a software framework which offers a run-time environment for execution of MapReduce jobs on a Hadoop Cluster via a high-level scripting language called Pig Latin. The following are a few highlights of this project:
  • Pig is an abstraction (high level programming language) on top of a Hadoop cluster.
  • Pig Latin queries/commands are compiled into one or more MapReduce jobs and then executed on a Hadoop cluster.
  • Just like a real pig can eat almost anything, Apache Pig can operate on almost any kind of data.
  • Hadoop offers a shell called Grunt Shell for executing Pig commands.
  • DUMP and STORE are two of the most common commands in Pig. DUMP displays the results to screen and STORE stores the results to HDFS.
  • Pig offers various built-in operators, functions and other constructs for performing many common operations.
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Apache Hive

Apache Hive Data Warehouse framework facilitates the querying and management of large datasets residing in a distributed store/file system like Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).  The following are a few highlights of this project:
  • Hive offers a technique to map a tabular structure on to data stored in distributed storage.
  • Hive supports most of the data types available in many popular relational database platforms.
  • Hive has various built-in functions, types, etc. for handling many commonly performed operations.
  • Hive allows querying of the data from distributed storage through the mapped tabular structure.
  • Hive offers various features, which are similar to relational databases, like partitioning, indexing, external tables, etc.
  • Hive manages its internal data (system catalog) like metadata about Hive Tables, Partitioning information, etc. in a separate database known as Hive Metastore.
  • Hive queries are written in a SQL-like language known as HiveQL.
  • Hive also allows plugging in custom mappers, custom reducers, custom user-defined functions, etc. to perform more sophisticated operations.
  • HiveQL queries are executed via MapReduce. Meaning, when a HiveQL query is issued, it triggers a Map and/or Reduce job(s) to perform the operation defined in the query.
Additional Information: Home Page | Wiki | Documentation/User Guide/Reference Manual | Mailing Lists

Apache Mahout

Apache Mahout is a scalable machine learning and data mining library. The following are a few highlights of this project:
  • Mahout implements the machine learning and data mining algorithms using MapReduce.
  • Mahout has 4 major categories of algorithms: Collaborative Filtering, Classification, Clustering, and Dimensionality Reduction.
  • Mahout library contains two types of algorithms: Ones that can run in local mode and the others which can run in a distributed fashion.
  • More information on Algorithms: Mahout Algorithms.
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Apache HBase

Apache HBase is a distributed, versioned, column-oriented, scalable and a big data store on top of Hadoop/HDFS. The following are a few highlights of this project:
  • HBase is based on Google's BigTable concept.
  • Runs on top of Hadoop and HDFS in a distributed fashion.
  • Supports Billions of Rows and Millions of Columns.
  • Runs on a cluster of commodity hardware and scales linearly.
  • Offers consistent reads and writes.
  • Offers easy to use Java APIs for client access.
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Apache Sqoop

Apache Sqoop is a tool designed for efficiently transferring the data between Hadoop and Relational Databases (RDBMS). The following are a few highlights of this project:
  • Sqoop can efficiently transfer bulk data between HDFS and Relational Databases.
  • Sqoop allows importing the data into HDFS in an incremental fashion.
  • Sqoop can import and export data to and from HDFS, Hive, Relational Databases and Data Warehouses.
  • Sqoop uses MapReduce to import and export of data thereby effectively utilizing the parallelism and fault tolerance features of Hadoop.
  • Sqoop offers a command line commonly referred to as Sqoop command line.
Additional Information: Home Page | Wiki | Documentation/User Guide/Reference Manual | Mailing Lists

Apache Oozie

Apache Oozie is a job workflow scheduling and coordination manager for managing the jobs executed on Hadoop. The following are a few highlights of this project:
  • Oozie can include both MapReduce as well as Non-MapReduce jobs.
  • Oozie is integrated with Hadoop and is an integral part of the Hadoop Ecosystem.
  • Oozie supports various jobs out of the box including MapReduce, Pig, Hive, Sqoop, etc.
  • Oozie jobs are scheduled/recurring jobs and are executed based on scheduled frequency and availability of data.
  • Oozie jobs are organized/arranged in a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) fashion.
Additional Information: Home Page | Wiki | Documentation/User Guide/Reference Manual | Mailing Lists

Apache ZooKeeper

Apache ZooKeeper is an open source coordination service for distributed applications. The following are a few highlights of this project:
  • ZooKeeper is designed to be a centralized service.
  • ZooKeeper is responsible for maintaining configuration information, offering coordination in a distributed fashion, and a host of other capabilities.
  • ZooKeeper offers necessary tools for writing distributed applications which can coordinate effectively.
  • ZooKeeper simplifies the development of distributed applications.
  • ZooKeeper is being used by some of the Apache projects like HBase to offer high availability and high degree of coordination in a distributed environment.
Additional Information: Home Page | Wiki | Documentation/User Guide/Reference Manual | Mailing Lists

Apache Ambari

Apache Ambari is an open source software framework for provisioning, managing, and monitoring Hadoop clusters. The following are few highlights of this project:
  • Ambari is useful for installing Hadoop services across different nodes of the cluster and handling the configuration of Hadoop Services on the cluster.
  • Ambari offers centralized management of the cluster including configuration and re-configuration of services, starting and stopping of cluster and a lot more.
  • Ambari offers a dashboard for monitoring the overall health of the cluster.
  • Ambari offers alerting and email mechanism to get the required attention when required.
  • Ambari offers REST APIs to developers for application integration.
Additional Information: Home Page | Wiki | Documentation/User Guide/Reference Manual | Mailing Lists


These are some of the popular Apache Projects. Apart from those, there are various other Apache Projects that are built around the Hadoop framework and have become part of the Hadoop Ecosystem. Some of these projects include
  • Apache Avro - An open source framework for Remote procedure calls (RPC) and data serialization and data exchange
  • Apache Spark - A fast and general engine for large-scale data processing
  • Apache Cassandra - A Distributed Non-SQL Big Data Database


Next Steps
  • Explore more about Big Data and Hadoop.
  • Explore more about various Apache Projects.


Wednesday 9 October 2013



Hadoop file system (fs) shell commands are used to perform various file operations like copying file, changing permissions, viewing the contents of the file, changing ownership of files, creating directories etc. 

The syntax of fs shell command is 
hadoop fs <args>

All the fs shell commands takes the path URI as arguments. The format of URI is sheme://authority/path. The scheme and authority are optional. For hadoop the scheme is hdfs and for local file system the scheme is file. IF you do not specify a scheme, the default scheme is taken from the configuration file. You can also specify the directories in hdfs along with the URI as hdfs://namenodehost/dir1/dir2 or simple /dir1/dir2. 

The hadoop fs commands are almost similar to the unix commands. Let see each of the fs shell commands in detail with examples: 

Hadoop fs Shell Commands

hadoop fs ls: 

The hadoop ls command is used to list out the directories and files. An example is shown below: 
> hadoop fs -ls /user/hadoop/employees
Found 1 items
-rw-r--r--   2 hadoop hadoop 2 2012-06-28 23:37 /user/hadoop/employees/000000_0

The above command lists out the files in the employees directory. 
> hadoop fs -ls /user/hadoop/dir
Found 1 items
drwxr-xr-x   - hadoop hadoop  0 2013-09-10 09:47 /user/hadoop/dir/products

The output of hadoop fs ls command is almost similar to the unix ls command. The only difference is in the second field. For a file, the second field indicates the number of replicas and for a directory, the second field is empty. 

hadoop fs lsr: 

The hadoop lsr command recursively displays the directories, sub directories and files in the specified directory. The usage example is shown below: 
> hadoop fs -lsr /user/hadoop/dir
Found 2 items
drwxr-xr-x   - hadoop hadoop  0 2013-09-10 09:47 /user/hadoop/dir/products
-rw-r--r--   2 hadoop hadoop    1971684 2013-09-10 09:47 /user/hadoop/dir/products/products.dat

The hadoop fs lsr command is similar to the ls -R command in unix. 

hadoop fs cat: 

Hadoop cat command is used to print the contents of the file on the terminal (stdout). The usage example of hadoop cat command is shown below: 
> hadoop fs -cat /user/hadoop/dir/products/products.dat

cloudera book by amazon
cloudera tutorial by ebay

hadoop fs chgrp: 

hadoop chgrp shell command is used to change the group association of files. Optionally you can use the -R option to change recursively through the directory structure. The usage of hadoop fs -chgrp is shown below: 
hadoop fs -chgrp [-R] <NewGroupName> <file or directory name>

hadoop fs chmod: 

The hadoop chmod command is used to change the permissions of files. The -R option can be used to recursively change the permissions of a directory structure. The usage is shown below: 
hadoop fs -chmod [-R] <mode | octal mode> <file or directory name>

hadoop fs chown: 

The hadoop chown command is used to change the ownership of files. The -R option can be used to recursively change the owner of a directory structure. The usage is shown below: 
hadoop fs -chown [-R] <NewOwnerName>[:NewGroupName] <file or directory name>

hadoop fs mkdir: 

The hadoop mkdir command is for creating directories in the hdfs. You can use the -p option for creating parent directories. This is similar to the unix mkdir command. The usage example is shown below: 
> hadoop fs -mkdir /user/hadoop/hadoopdemo

The above command creates the hadoopdemo directory in the /user/hadoop directory. 
> hadoop fs -mkdir -p /user/hadoop/dir1/dir2/demo

The above command creates the dir1/dir2/demo directory in /user/hadoop directory. 

hadoop fs copyFromLocal: 

The hadoop copyFromLocal command is used to copy a file from the local file system to the hadoop hdfs. The syntax and usage example are shown below: 
hadoop fs -copyFromLocal <localsrc> URI


Check the data in local file
> ls sales
2001, htc

Now copy this file to hdfs

> hadoop fs -copyFromLocal sales /user/hadoop/hadoopdemo

View the contents of the hdfs file.

> hadoop fs -cat /user/hadoop/hadoopdemo/sales
2001, htc

hadoop fs copyToLocal: 

The hadoop copyToLocal command is used to copy a file from the hdfs to the local file system. The syntax and usage example is shown below: 
hadoop fs -copyToLocal [-ignorecrc] [-crc] URI <localdst>


hadoop fs -copyToLocal /user/hadoop/hadoopdemo/sales salesdemo

The -ignorecrc option is used to copy the files that fail the crc check. The -crc option is for copying the files along with their CRC. 

hadoop fs cp: 

The hadoop cp command is for copying the source into the target. The cp command can also be used to copy multiple files into the target. In this case the target should be a directory. The syntax is shown below: 
hadoop fs -cp /user/hadoop/SrcFile /user/hadoop/TgtFile
hadoop fs -cp /user/hadoop/file1 /user/hadoop/file2 hdfs://namenodehost/user/hadoop/TgtDirectory

hadoop fs -put: 

Hadoop put command is used to copy multiple sources to the destination system. The put command can also read the input from the stdin. The different syntaxes for the put command are shown below: 
Syntax1: copy single file to hdfs

hadoop fs -put localfile /user/hadoop/hadoopdemo

Syntax2: copy multiple files to hdfs

hadoop fs -put localfile1 localfile2 /user/hadoop/hadoopdemo

Syntax3: Read input file name from stdin
hadoop fs -put - hdfs://namenodehost/user/hadoop/hadoopdemo

hadoop fs get: 

Hadoop get command copies the files from hdfs to the local file system. The syntax of the get command is shown below: 
hadoop fs -get /user/hadoop/hadoopdemo/hdfsFileName localFileName

hadoop fs getmerge: 

hadoop getmerge command concatenates the files in the source directory into the destination file. The syntax of the getmerge shell command is shown below: 
hadoop fs -getmerge <src> <localdst> [addnl]

The addnl option is for adding new line character at the end of each file. 

hadoop fs moveFromLocal: 

The hadoop moveFromLocal command moves a file from local file system to the hdfs directory. It removes the original source file. The usage example is shown below: 
> hadoop fs -moveFromLocal products /user/hadoop/hadoopdemo

hadoop fs mv: 

It moves the files from source hdfs to destination hdfs. Hadoop mv command can also be used to move multiple source files into the target directory. In this case the target should be a directory. The syntax is shown below: 
hadoop fs -mv /user/hadoop/SrcFile /user/hadoop/TgtFile
hadoop fs -mv /user/hadoop/file1 /user/hadoop/file2 hdfs://namenodehost/user/hadoop/TgtDirectory

hadoop fs du: 

The du command displays aggregate length of files contained in the directory or the length of a file in case its just a file. The syntax and usage is shown below: 
hadoop fs -du hdfs://namenodehost/user/hadoop

hadoop fs dus: 

The hadoop dus command prints the summary of file lengths 
> hadoop fs -dus hdfs://namenodehost/user/hadoop
hdfs://namenodehost/user/hadoop 21792568333

hadoop fs expunge: 

Used to empty the trash. The usage of expunge is shown below: 
hadoop fs -expunge

hadoop fs rm: 

Removes the specified list of files and empty directories. An example is shown below: 
hadoop fs -rm /user/hadoop/file

hadoop fs -rmr: 

Recursively deletes the files and sub directories. The usage of rmr is shown below: 
hadoop fs -rmr /user/hadoop/dir

hadoop fs setrep: 

Hadoop setrep is used to change the replication factor of a file. Use the -R option for recursively changing the replication factor. 
hadoop fs -setrep -w 4 -R /user/hadoop/dir

hadoop fs stat: 

Hadoop stat returns the stats information on a path. The syntax of stat is shown below: 
hadoop fs -stat URI

> hadoop fs -stat /user/hadoop/
2013-09-24 07:53:04

hadoop fs tail: 

Hadoop tail command prints the last kilobytes of the file. The -f option can be used same as in unix. 
> hafoop fs -tail /user/hadoop/sales.dat

12345 abc
2456 xyz

hadoop fs test: 

The hadoop test is used for file test operations. The syntax is shown below: 
hadoop fs -test -[ezd] URI

Here "e" for checking the existence of a file, "z" for checking the file is zero length or not, "d" for checking the path is a directory or no. On success, the test command returns 1 else 0. 

hadoop fs text: 

The hadoop text command displays the source file in text format. The allowed source file formats are zip and TextRecordInputStream. The syntax is shown below: 
hadoop fs -text <src>

hadoop fs touchz: 

The hadoop touchz command creates a zero byte file. This is similar to the touch command in unix. The syntax is shown below: 
hadoop fs -touchz /user/hadoop/filename

Saturday 7 September 2013

Hadoop HDFS Interview Questions

What is BIG DATA?
Big Data is nothing but an assortment of such a huge and complex data that it becomes very tedious to capture, store, process, retrieve and analyze it with the help of on-hand database management tools or traditional data processing techniques.
To know more about BIG DATA, browse through The Hype Behind Big Data!

Can you give some examples of Big Data?
There are many real life examples of Big Data! Facebook is generating 500+ terabytes of data per day, NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) generates about 1 terabyte of new trade data per day, a jet airline collects 10 terabytes of censor data for every 30 minutes of flying time. All these are day to day examples of Big Data!

Can you give a detailed overview about the Big Data being generated by Facebook?
As of December 31, 2012, there are 1.06 billion monthly active users on facebook and 680 million mobile users. On an average, 3.2 billion likes and comments are posted every day on Facebook. 72% of web audience is on Facebook. And why not! There are so many activities going on facebook from wall posts, sharing images, videos, writing comments and liking posts, etc. In fact, Facebook started using Hadoop in mid-2009 and was one of the initial  users of Hadoop.

According to IBM, what are the three characteristics of Big Data?
According to IBM, the three characteristics of Big Data are:
Volume: Facebook generating 500+ terabytes of data per day.
Velocity: Analyzing 2 million records each day to identify the reason for losses.
Variety: images, audio, video, sensor data, log files, etc.

How Big is ‘Big Data’?
With time, data volume is growing exponentially. Earlier we used to talk about Megabytes or Gigabytes. But time has arrived when we talk about data volume in terms of terabytes, petabytes and also zettabytes! Global data volume was around 1.8ZB in 2011 and is expected to be 7.9ZB in 2015. It is also known that the global information doubles in every two years!

How analysis of Big Data is useful for organizations?
Effective analysis of Big Data provides a lot of business advantage as   organizations will learn which areas to focus on and which areas are less important. Big data analysis provides some early key indicators that can prevent the company from a huge loss or help in grasping a great opportunity with open hands! A precise analysis of Big Data helps in decision making! For
instance, nowadays people rely so much on Facebook and Twitter before buying any product or service. All thanks to the Big Data explosion.

Who are ‘Data Scientists’?
Data scientists are soon replacing business analysts or data analysts. Data scientists are experts who find solutions to analyze data. Just as web analysis, we have data scientists who have good business insight as to how to handle a business challenge. Sharp data scientists are not only involved in dealing business problems, but also choosing the relevant issues that can bring value addition to the organization.

What is Hadoop?
Hadoop is a framework that allows for distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of commodity computers using a simple programming model.

Why the name ‘Hadoop’?
Hadoop doesn’t have any expanding version like ‘oops’. The charming yellow elephant you see is basically named after Doug’s son’s toy elephant!

Why do we need Hadoop?
Everyday a large amount of unstructured data is getting dumped into our machines. The major challenge is not to store large data sets in our systems but to retrieve and analyze the big data in the organizations, that too data present in different machines at different locations. In this situation a necessity for Hadoop arises. Hadoop has the ability to analyze the data present in different machines at different locations very quickly and in a very cost effective way. It uses the concept of MapReduce which enables it to divide the query into small parts and process them in parallel. This is also known as parallel  computing.

What are some of the characteristics of Hadoop framework?
Hadoop framework is written in Java. It is designed to solve problems that involve analyzing large data (e.g. petabytes). The programming model is based on Google’s MapReduce. The infrastructure is based on Google’s Big Data and Distributed File System. Hadoop handles large files/data throughput and supports data intensive distributed applications. Hadoop is scalable as more nodes can be easily added to it.

Give a brief overview of Hadoop history.
In 2002, Doug Cutting created an open source, web crawler project.
In 2004, Google published MapReduce, GFS papers.
In 2006, Doug Cutting developed the open source, Mapreduce and HDFS project.
In 2008, Yahoo ran 4,000 node Hadoop cluster and Hadoop won terabyte sort benchmark.
In 2009, Facebook launched SQL support for Hadoop.

Give examples of some companies that are using Hadoop structure?
A lot of companies are using the Hadoop structure such as Cloudera, EMC, MapR, Hortonworks, Amazon, Facebook, eBay, Twitter, Google and so on.

What is the basic difference between traditional RDBMS and Hadoop?
Traditional RDBMS is used for transactional systems to report and archive the data, whereas Hadoop is an approach to store huge amount of data in the distributed file system and process it. RDBMS will be useful when you want to seek one record from Big data, whereas, Hadoop will be useful when you want Big data in one shot and perform analysis on that later.

What is structured and unstructured data?
Structured data is the data that is easily identifiable as it is organized in a structure. The most common form of structured data is a database where specific information is stored in tables, that is, rows and columns. Unstructured data refers to any data that cannot be identified easily. It could be in the form of images, videos, documents, email, logs and random text. It is not in the form of rows and columns.

What are the core components of Hadoop?
Core components of Hadoop are HDFS and MapReduce. HDFS is basically used to store large data sets and MapReduce is used to process such large data sets.

What is HDFS?
HDFS is a file system designed for storing very large files with streaming data access patterns, running clusters on commodity hardware.

What are the key features of HDFS?
HDFS is highly fault-tolerant, with high throughput, suitable for applications with large data sets, streaming access to file system data and can be built out of commodity hardware.

What is Fault Tolerance?
Suppose you have a file stored in a system, and due to some technical problem that file gets destroyed. Then there is no chance of getting the data back present in that file. To avoid such situations, Hadoop has introduced the feature of fault tolerance in HDFS. In Hadoop, when we store a file, it automatically gets replicated at two other locations also. So even if one or two of the systems collapse, the file is still available on the third system.

Replication causes data redundancy then why is is pursued in HDFS?
HDFS works with commodity hardware (systems with average configurations) that has high chances of getting crashed any time. Thus, to make the entire system highly fault-tolerant, HDFS replicates and stores data in different places. Any data on HDFS gets stored at atleast 3 different locations. So, even if one of them is corrupted and the other is unavailable for some time for any reason, then data can be accessed from the third one. Hence, there is no chance of losing the data. This replication factor helps us to attain the feature of Hadoop called Fault Tolerant.

Since the data is replicated thrice in HDFS, does it mean that any calculation done on one node will also be replicated on the other two?
Since there are 3 nodes, when we send the MapReduce programs, calculations will be done only on the original data. The master node will know which node exactly has that particular data. In case, if one of the nodes is not responding, it is assumed to be failed. Only then, the required calculation will be done on the second replica.

What is throughput? How does HDFS get a good throughput?
Throughput is the amount of work done in a unit time. It describes how fast the data is getting accessed from the system and it is usually used to measure performance of the system. In HDFS, when we want to perform a task or an action, then the work is divided and shared among different systems. So all the systems will be executing the tasks assigned to them independently and in parallel. So the work will be completed in a very short period of time. In this way, the HDFS gives good throughput. By reading data in parallel, we decrease the actual time to read data tremendously.

What is streaming access?
As HDFS works on the principle of ‘Write Once, Read Many‘, the feature of streaming access is extremely important in HDFS. HDFS focuses not so much on storing the data but how to retrieve it at the fastest possible speed, especially while analyzing logs. In HDFS, reading the complete data is more important than the time taken to fetch a single record from the data.

What is a commodity hardware? Does commodity hardware include RAM?
Commodity hardware is a non-expensive system which is not of high quality or high-availability.
Hadoop can be installed in any average commodity hardware. We don’t need super computers or high-end hardware to work on Hadoop. Yes, Commodity hardware includes RAM because there will be some services which will be running on RAM.

What is a Namenode?
Namenode is the master node on which job tracker runs and consists of the metadata. It maintains and manages the blocks which are present on the datanodes. It is a high-availability machine and single point of failure in HDFS.

Is Namenode also a commodity?
No. Namenode can never be a commodity hardware because the entire HDFS rely on it. It is the single point of failure in HDFS. Namenode has to be a high-availability machine.

What is a metadata?
Metadata is the information about the data stored in datanodes such as location of the file, size of the file and so on.

What is a Datanode?
Datanodes are the slaves which are deployed on each machine and provide the actual storage. These are responsible for serving read and write requests for the clients.

Why do we use HDFS for applications having large data sets and not when there are lot of small files?
HDFS is more suitable for large amount of data sets in a single file as  compared to small amount of data spread across multiple files. This is because Namenode is a very expensive high performance system, so it is not prudent to occupy the space in the Namenode by unnecessary amount of metadata that is generated for multiple small files. So, when there is a large amount of data in a single file, name node will occupy less space. Hence for getting optimized performance, HDFS supports large data sets instead of multiple small files.

What is a daemon?
Daemon is a process or service that runs in background. In general, we use this word in UNIX environment. The equivalent of Daemon in Windows is “services” and in Dos is ” TSR”.

What is a job tracker?
Job tracker is a daemon that runs on a namenode for submitting and tracking MapReduce jobs in Hadoop. It assigns the tasks to the different task tracker. In a Hadoop cluster, there will be only one job tracker but many task trackers. It is the single point of failure for Hadoop and MapReduce Service. If the job tracker goes down all the running jobs are halted. It receives heartbeat from task tracker based on which Job tracker decides whether the assigned task is
completed or not.

What is a task tracker?
Task tracker is also a daemon that runs on datanodes. Task Trackers manage the execution of individual tasks on slave node. When a client submits a job, the job tracker will initialize the job and divide the work and assign them to different task trackers to perform MapReduce tasks.While performing this action, the task tracker will be simultaneously communicating with job tracker by sending heartbeat. If the job tracker does not receive heartbeat from task tracker within specified time, then it will assume that task tracker has crashed and assign that task to another task tracker in the cluster.

Is Namenode machine same as datanode machine as in terms of hardware?
It depends upon the cluster you are trying to create. The Hadoop VM can be there on the same machine or on another machine. For instance, in a single node cluster, there is only one machine,whereas in the development or in a testing environment, Namenode and datanodes are on different machines.

What is a heartbeat in HDFS?
A heartbeat is a signal indicating that it is alive. A datanode sends heartbeat to Namenode and task tracker will send its heart beat to job tracker. If the Namenode or job tracker does not receive heart beat then they will decide that there is some problem in datanode or task tracker is unable to perform the assigned task.

Are Namenode and job tracker on the same host?
No, in practical environment, Namenode is on a separate host and job tracker is on a separate host.

What is a ‘block’ in HDFS?
A ‘block’ is the minimum amount of data that can be read or written. In HDFS, the default block size is 64 MB as contrast to the block size of 8192 bytes in Unix/Linux. Files in HDFS are broken down into block-sized chunks, which are stored as independent units. HDFS blocks are large as compared to disk blocks, particularly to minimize the cost of seeks.

If a particular file is 50 mb, will the HDFS block still consume 64 mb as the default size?
No, not at all! 64 mb is just a unit where the data will be stored. In this particular situation, only 50 mb will be consumed by an HDFS block and 14 mb will be free to store something else. It is the MasterNode that does data allocation in an efficient manner.

What are the benefits of block transfer?
A file can be larger than any single disk in the network. There’s nothing that requires the blocks from a file to be stored on the same disk, so they can take advantage of any of the disks in the cluster. Making the unit of abstraction a block rather than a file simplifies the storage subsystem. Blocks provide fault tolerance and availability. To insure against corrupted blocks and disk and machine failure, each block is replicated to a small number of physically  separate machines (typically three). If a block becomes unavailable, a copy can be read from another location in a way that is transparent to the client.

If we want to copy 10 blocks from one machine to another, but another machine can copy only 8.5 blocks, can the blocks be broken at the time of replication?
In HDFS, blocks cannot be broken down. Before copying the blocks from one machine to another, the Master node will figure out what is the actual amount of space required, how many block are being used, how much space is available, and it will allocate the blocks accordingly.

How indexing is done in HDFS?
Hadoop has its own way of indexing. Depending upon the block size, once the data is stored, HDFS will keep on storing the last part of the data which will say where the next part of the data will be. In fact, this is the base of HDFS.

If a data Node is full how it’s identified?
When data is stored in datanode, then the metadata of that data will be stored in the Namenode. So Namenode will identify if the data node is full.

If datanodes increase, then do we need to upgrade Namenode?
While installing the Hadoop system, Namenode is determined based on the size of the clusters.
Most of the time, we do not need to upgrade the Namenode because it does not store the actual data, but just the metadata, so such a requirement rarely arise.

Are job tracker and task trackers present in separate machines?
Yes, job tracker and task tracker are present in different machines. The reason is job tracker is a single point of failure for the Hadoop MapReduce service. If it goes down, all running jobs are halted.

When we send a data to a node, do we allow settling in time, before sending another data to that node?
Yes, we do.

Does hadoop always require digital data to process?
Yes. Hadoop always require digital data to be processed.

On what basis Namenode will decide which datanode to write on?
As the Namenode has the metadata (information) related to all the data nodes, it knows which datanode is free.

Doesn’t Google have its very own version of DFS?
Yes, Google owns a DFS known as “Google File System (GFS)” developed by Google Inc. for its own use.

Who is a ‘user’ in HDFS?
A user is like you or me, who has some query or who needs some kind of data.

Is client the end user in HDFS?
No, Client is an application which runs on your machine, which is used to interact with the Namenode (job tracker) or datanode (task tracker).

What is the communication channel between client and namenode/datanode?
The mode of communication is SSH.

What is a rack?
Rack is a storage area with all the datanodes put together. These datanodes can be physically located at different places. Rack is a physical collection of datanodes which are stored at a single location. There can be multiple racks in a single location.

On what basis data will be stored on a rack?
When the client is ready to load a file into the cluster, the content of the file will be divided into blocks. Now the client consults the Namenode and gets 3 datanodes for every block of the file which indicates where the block should be stored. While placing the datanodes, the key rule followed is “for every block of data, two copies will exist in one rack, third copy in a different rack“. This rule is known as “Replica Placement Policy“.

Do we need to place 2nd and 3rd data in rack 2 only?
Yes, this is to avoid datanode failure.

What if rack 2 and datanode fails?
If both rack2 and datanode present in rack 1 fails then there is no chance of getting data from it.
In order to avoid such situations, we need to replicate that data more number of times instead of replicating only thrice. This can be done by changing the value in replication factor which is set to 3 by default.

What is a Secondary Namenode? Is it a substitute to the Namenode?
The secondary Namenode constantly reads the data from the RAM of the Namenode and writes it into the hard disk or the file system. It is not a substitute to the Namenode, so if the Namenode fails, the entire Hadoop system goes down. This is called Hadoop Single Point Of Failure (SPOF)

What is the difference between Gen1 and Gen2 Hadoop with regards to the Namenode?
In Gen 1 Hadoop, Namenode is the single point of failure. In Gen 2 Hadoop, we have what is known as Active and Passive Namenodes kind of a structure. If the active Namenode fails, passive Namenode takes over the charge.

What is MapReduce?
Map Reduce is the ‘heart‘ of Hadoop that consists of two parts – ‘map’ and ‘reduce’. Maps and reduces are programs for processing data. ‘Map’ processes the data first to give some intermediate output which is further processed by ‘Reduce’ to generate the final output.
Thus, MapReduce allows for distributed processing of the map and reduction operations.

Can you explain how do ‘map’ and ‘reduce’ work?
Namenode takes the input and divide it into parts and assign them to data nodes. These datanodes process the tasks assigned to them and make a key-value pair and returns the intermediate output to the Reducer. The reducer collects this key value pairs of all the datanodes and combines them and generates the final output.

What is ‘Key value pair’ in HDFS?
Key value pair is the intermediate data generated by maps and sent to reduces for generating the final output.

What is the difference between MapReduce engine and HDFS cluster?
HDFS cluster is the name given to the whole configuration of master and slaves where data is stored. Map Reduce Engine is the programming module which is used to retrieve and analyze data.

Is map like a pointer?
No, Map is not like a pointer.

Do we require two servers for the Namenode and the datanodes?
Yes, we need two different servers for the Namenode and the datanodes. This is because Namenode requires highly configurable system as it stores   information about the location details of all the files stored in different  datanodes and on the other hand, datanodes require low configuration system.

Why are the number of splits equal to the number of maps?
The number of maps is equal to the number of input splits because we want the key and value pairs of all the input splits.

Is a job split into maps?
No, a job is not split into maps. Spilt is created for the file. The file is placed on datanodes in blocks. For each split, a map is needed.

Which are the two types of ‘writes’ in HDFS?
There are two types of writes in HDFS: posted and non-posted write. Posted Write is when we write it and forget about it, without worrying about the acknowledgement. It is similar to our traditional Indian post. In a Non-posted Write, we wait for the acknowledgement. It is similar to the today’s courier services. Naturally, non-posted write is more expensive than the posted write.
It is much more expensive, though both writes are asynchronous.

Why ‘Reading‘ is done in parallel and ‘Writing‘ is not in HDFS?
Reading is done in parallel because by doing so we can access the data fast. But we do not perform the write operation in parallel. The reason is that if we perform the write operation in parallel, then it might result in data inconsistency. For example, you have a file and two nodes are trying to write data into the file in parallel, then the first node does not know what the second node has written and vice-versa. So, this makes it confusing which data to be stored and accessed.

Can Hadoop be compared to NOSQL database like Cassandra?
Though NOSQL is the closet technology that can be compared to Hadoop, it has its own pros and cons. There is no DFS in NOSQL. Hadoop is not a database. It’s a filesystem (HDFS) and distributed programming framework (MapReduce).
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