Tuesday 12 July 2016

Free Workshop on Big Data E-commerce Project End-to-End Explanation

  Free Workshop on Big Data E-commerce Project End-to-End Explanation

Details about the Workshop:

1. Understanding the software requirements specification (SRS).

2. Understanding the Design of Product

3. Migrating existing project from RDMBS => HBASE

4. Migrating existing project from RDMBS => PHOENIX

5. Migrating existing project from RDMBS => CASSANDRA

6. Migrating existing project from RDMBS => MONGODB

7. Understanding the challeges with RDBMS, why to go to HADOOP

8. Understanding the challeges with HADOOP, why to go to SPARK

9. Visualize the REPORTS generated using RDBMS 

10. Visualize the REPORTS generated using HADOOP COMPONENTS

11. Visualize the REPORTS generated using SPARK

12. All these above functionalities verify through LIVE PROJECT

Hadoop and Spark Real Time Project Workshop By KALYAN @ ORIENIT

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