Monday 20 October 2014

XML Parsing with Pivotal

XML Parsing

There are many ways to handle XML files but in this case in which I had very large files, I needed a cluster of machines and Hadoop is pretty good at that. The processing can be done with Map Reduce or a tool like Pig which simplifies Map Reduce.
Solution 1
  • Load raw file to Hadoop
  • Transform XML to tab delimited file with Pig
  • Create External Table in HAWQ to read file data in Hadoop
Sample XML file.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
As you can see, I have two record sets of large products and small products but I just want the small products in a table.
Fist, put the raw XML data into Hadoop.
hdfs dfs -mkdir /demo4
hdfs dfs -put catalog.xml /demo4
Here is the Pig script.
REGISTER /usr/lib/gphd/pig/piggybank.jar;
A = LOAD '/demo4/catalog.xml' 
AS (doc:chararray);

clean = foreach A GENERATE FLATTEN(REGEX_EXTRACT_ALL(doc,'<small-product>\\s*<name>(.*)</name>\\s*<price>(.*)</price>\\s*</small-product>'))
AS (name:chararray,price:int);
store clean into '/demo4/alt_small_data';
What Pig is doing for me is to first only get the small-product records. This only requires a single line in the script and is very useful. The next step is to use regular expressions to parse each tag. This is very painful to get right because Pig use Map Reduce to parse the data. This is powerful but relatively slow to iterate until you get it right. Even with a small file, each iteration took at least 30 seconds to execute and the full file took 22 minutes.
The last step is to create an External Table in HAWQ.
  name text, price int
 FORMAT 'text' (delimiter E'\t');
And selecting the data in HAWQ.
SELECT * FROM ext_alt_demo4;
 name | price 
 bar1 |    10
 bar2 |    20
 bar3 |    30
 bar4 |    40
 bar5 |    50
(5 rows)

Time: 127.334 ms
This was my first approach for XML parsing until I got frustrated with the many XML tags to create regular expressions for. The XML I had wasn’t as neat as my example so I had to re-run the Pig script over and over again for each slight modification to the parsing logic.
Solution 2
This the same basic process as Solution 1 but instead of parsing each record with regular expressions in Pig, I will create a single column and do the parsing with SQL in HAWQ.
Here is my Pig script.
REGISTER /usr/lib/gphd/pig/piggybank.jar;
A = LOAD '/demo4/catalog.xml' USING'small-product') AS (doc:chararray);
clean = foreach A generate REPLACE(REPLACE(doc, '\\u000D', ''), '\\u000A', '');
store clean into '/demo4/small_data';
So instead of using regular expressions, I’m replacing carriage return and newline characters from the XML so that each record is in one row. Then I store that back in Hadoop.
Here is the External Table in HAWQ.
xml_data text
FORMAT 'TEXT' (delimiter E'\t');
I then created a simple SQL function to parse the data.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fn_extract_xml_value(p_tag text, p_xml text) RETURNS TEXT AS
SELECT SPLIT_PART(SUBSTRING($2 FROM '<' || $1 || '>(.*)</' || $1 || '>'), '<', 1)
And my SQL statement that parses the data.
SELECT (fn_extract_xml_value('name', xml_data))::text AS name, (fn_extract_xml_value('price', xml_data))::int AS price FROM ext_demo4;                 
 name | price 
 bar1 |    10
 bar2 |    20
 bar3 |    30
 bar4 |    40
 bar5 |    50
(5 rows)

Time: 94.887 ms
The benefit for me in this second approach is the huge performance increase in the iterative approach of getting the XML parsing correct. Instead of taking several minutes to validate my code in Pig, I could execute a SQL statement that takes less than 1 second to run. It took another quick second to modify the SQL function and then I would try again.
Hadoop is powerful and has become commodity software with many distributions available that are all pretty much the same. The difference in distributions is the software that is unique to each vendor. Some vendors rely on their management tools while Pivotal HD has HAWQ which is the most robust SQL engine for Hadoop. This example shows how you can leverage the built-in functionality of Hadoop plus HAWQ to be more productive compared to using any other Hadoop distribution.

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